Please submit the form below if interested in volunteering in any of the committee positions.

See the list below for open positions and descriptions.


President: Hubert “Pippy” Wilson

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Chief Family Spokesperson
  • Preside over meetings
  • Preside over all votes
  • Decide on questions of order
  • Provide positive motivation and morale for committee and family members
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions

Co-President: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Assist the President in his/her roles and responsibilities
  • Recruit family members for open positions
  • In the absence of the President, or in the event of disability, the Co-President assumes the function of the President

Treasurer: Maggie Barbee

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Manage all finances and the family reunion account
  • Oversees how the funds are spent
  • Prepare and present a monthly financial Treasurers Report for all expenses related to the family matters
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Assistant Treasurer: Rhikeena Neely

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Assist the Treasurer in his/her roles and responsibilities
  • In the absence of the Treasurer, or in the event of disability, the Co-President assumes the function of the Treasurer
  • ​ Recruit family members for assistance and open positions

Secretary: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Custodian of records and minutes of meetings and proceedings
  • Next in line as presiding officer in the absence of the President and Co-President
  • Present on 95% of meetings (from the beginning to the end of each meeting)
  • ​ Recruit family members for assistance and open positions

Assistant Secretary: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • In the absence of the Secretary, or in the event of disability, the Assistant Secretary assumes the function of the Secretary
  •  Recruit family members for open positions


Registration Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Facilitate registration during the Reunion
  • Create and maintain database registered attendees
  • ​​ Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Logistics Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Research hotels in hosted reunion town or city
  • Narrow the number of hotel choices of hotels.
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Communications Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Contact and communicate reunion information to family members
  • May split duties between two people in order to accomplish all tasks assigned to this committee
  • Work with Family Historian in setting up and maintaining website, designing flyers, etc
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Catering Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Research and decide banquet and/or picnic location
  • Select caterers, negotiate pricing, and attend to the details of the banquet and/or picnic
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Transportation Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate needed transportation
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Entertainment/activities committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Plan and arrange family activities
  • Recruit volunteers to help with the games and activities
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Set up/Cleanup committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Recruit volunteers to help with the registrations, setting up, decorations, sign-in, and clean up
  • Ensure the planning comes to fruition during the actual reunion
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Genealogy committee: Cindy Gladden

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Research Family History
  • Construct family tree
  • Prepare various presentations that highlight the past
  • Provide updates, good news, etc. with the family…marriages, anniversaries, births, promotions, graduations, scholarships, honor roll and deceased
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


Welcome Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Prepare entrance table or reception place to welcome family reunion attendees.
  • Prepare welcome packets (Maps, coupons, directions to local attractions), name badges, and family reunion agenda
  • Recruit family members for assistance and open positions


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